Impact of Socioeconomic Status and Parental Involvement in Students’ Academic Performance of the Undergraduate Students in a Comprehensive University during the COVID-19 Pandemic


  • Lorenzo Roen Rumbaoa University of Santo Tomas, Philippines
  • Gabriel Vone San Jose University of Santo Tomas, Philippines
  • Joshua Andrei Sanchez University of Santo Tomas, Philippines
  • Ronaldo Cabauatan University of Santo Tomas, Philippines



Academic performance has been linked to parental involvement and socioeconomic status. In today’s era, education is not a privilege but rather a right for every population around the world. This study examined the relationship between socioeconomic status and parental involvement in the academic performance of undergraduate college students. This research aims to answer the central question, does Socioeconomic status and Parental Involvement affect Student Academic Achievement? The importance of addressing this question is that economic and educational institutions may use the findings of this research as a guide for future economic and educational development. Some previous research has shown that socioeconomic status had little to no effect on student academic achievement, while parental involvement affected student academic achievement. This study used stratified random sampling wherein 14 out of 17 colleges in the comprehensive university participated. This study used an online survey with questions pertaining to monthly household income, a 16-item 4-point Likert scale pertaining to parental involvement, and the latest estimated general weighted average. Results show that socioeconomic status has no significant relationship with student academic performance, while parental involvement has a significant relationship with student academic performance. Parental involvement must also be given focus on student academic performance. Which furthermore indicates that various household income would affect students’ academic performance.



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How to Cite

Rumbaoa, L. R., San Jose, G. V., Sanchez, J. A., & Cabauatan, R. (2022). Impact of Socioeconomic Status and Parental Involvement in Students’ Academic Performance of the Undergraduate Students in a Comprehensive University during the COVID-19 Pandemic. UJoST- Universal Journal of Science and Technology, 1(2), 197–221.